Recruiting & Hiring The Best!

Right now competing for talent is as ruthless as competing for customers. It's hard to sort the wheat from the chaff and find that superstar candidate whose biggest accomplishments aren't the exagerations on their resume.

Working with me not only guarantees you'll find that superstar but you'll also find the often sought but seldom realized "fit" where culture and talent combine to produce long term results. You'll enjoyknowing your hiring decision comes with an unconditional one year guarantee...a guarantee I've only had to honor 14 times in over 25 years of recruiting.

Think of all the time you'll save sorting through unqualified applicants and wondering if you've really scoured the market, sourced referrals or the masses that now populate LinkedIn and other on-line resources.

Senior Level Executives... this page will introduce candidates at the VP level and above. Their strategic minds paint the big picture as they manage the tactical execution.

Mid-level Professionals... in the field and in the trenches these are the hands-on tactical Managers and Directors I place. They're the bridge between the restaurants, franchisees and your office.
Ken Loyd | Chief Listener | 310-902-7755 |